Both Jake and I are in the process of training our replacements for our office jobs. Two weeks from Friday will be our last days of work and our ties to Salt Lake City (at least in regards to employment) will be severed. We'll be free to pursue our adventure, do whatever we want and have no paychecks...
I can't speak for Jake but I have plenty of emotions running through me as the day-to-day office grind comes to a close. There is definite excitement for what lies ahead but there is also nervousness for the unknown (and lack of income), guilt for leaving family and friends at a time when our presence and finances could be useful, and some fear for what will become of us when all is said and done...will we like farming? Will we be good at it, are we 'cut out' for this physically demanding profession? Will we have the means to actually buy land and start farming if we want to? What will happen with our family and friends? The questions keep going but the answers continue coming back to a 'wait and see' solution. So, for now, all I can do is enjoy every minute of every day and know that whatever happens, whatever our destination may be will be because it is what we chose, not what was chosen for us.