Wednesday, February 23, 2011

36 weeks and counting

It is almost surreal that in less than a month our house is going to be filled with the sights, sounds, and smells of a new baby. Just four weeks to go... I can remember when I found out I was pregnant, and at that time I was only a mere 4 weeks along. In that time I've changed states 3 times, learned how to roll over in bed using a 10-point turn, grown used to numb and tingly hands, mastered the art of eating for two, gotten used to being more crabby and teary, and most exciting- experienced the miracle of a little human being growing and moving around inside of me.  My how things have changed!!

This little peanut inside of me isn't so little anymore, in fact he/she should be about 6 pounds right now (at 36 weeks). Depending on when I end up delivering this little one could be anywhere between 7 and 8 1/2 pounds or so.

We've taken childbirth and parenting classes, shopped for a car seat and swings, bought an antique dresser to fill with cute little clothes, blankets, and toys, and started stocking up on easy to make meals for when we're too exhausted to cook. 

I think we're about ready.

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