Friday, August 23, 2013

Finally get it

So... I think I finally get it. For some reason it took having a second child to fully appreciate mommy-hood. I used to laugh at and get annoyed by moms who are (self-admittedly) absent minded and frazzled, with juice cups hidden around the house, and consistently late. Well... I have become that mom.

There is this certain time warp that occurs once you become a parent. I guess it actually starts during the nine long (yet strangely short) months of pregnancy leading up to the birth of parenthood. Then once baby comes life becomes a beautiful blur. The days (and nights) can seem long but the weeks fly by. There is a definite irony to the first few months of of a new baby, you want to treasure every moment of your new babe, but the pure exhaustion and adjustment to this new little person seem to make this almost impossible... and make time almost dreamlike... Perhaps because you are half asleep most moments of the day...

And then it happens. Somewhere, sometime over the past few months during diaper changes, middle of the night feedings, and wiping 'boogers' from your 2-year olds face... You have become that mom. 

Over the past few months I have found myself on autopilot more than I'd like to be. Silly things like eating, fastening my bra after nursing, and showering regularly (yep...sorry) seem to slip my mind often. On the plus side I get quite a bit accomplished during my pumping sessions of the day, (like write a blog post).

I guess in the end, the point I'm trying to make with all of my rambling is that despite the insanity of it all I get why people do it. I get the 'new parent' stereotypes you see in the movies and the look that veteran parents give to the parents of little ones. Despite the craziness and sheer loss of control I feel on most days... I love it.  :)

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Putting down roots

We have been back and forth soooo much when it comes to where we are going to settle down. Back in the days of free-spirited farming we decided that we wouldn't move back to Utah...but we did. Then when we moved back to Utah we decided that we weren't going to stay...but we did. And now we are buying a house... in Utah. Our long term goal is still to move out of Utah but at this point in time I think that this is where we need to be.

After looking endlessly online at homes, both in and out of Salt Lake we found one to look at back in November of last year. After starting the mortgage process and meeting with a mortgage consultant we discovered that paying off your debt may feel good but it leaves you with no credit score...which makes it impossible to get a home loan. So six months, one (awesome) baby, and thousands of dollars later we now have credit scores and have found a house. Woohoo... but just for a few years...we're not staying in Utah permanently, right??