Monday, November 28, 2016

I choose Love.

I have to admit that it almost feels like I'm getting over a broken heart. I know that most people are 'over it' and have moved on since the election, but I haven't. I feel like hate won on November 8th. As an empath I feel it all. I feel the hate, tension, fear and terror that has been running through the arteries of our nation and I have been in a really bad state, both mentally and physically for the past few weeks. Although I knew I was depressed after the results came out that Wednesday morning I am just now realizing that I have truly been experiencing what I can only assume is a broken heart. My heart is broken for humanity and the people of our nation. My thoughts go way beyond that of a political party but to the roots of why people voted the way they did. To allow a being who embodies hate beyond anything we've seen for generations...well, that is beyond me. I have been struggling with the thoughts of the future not only over the next few years, but more for that of my children. What kind of reality will be theirs when they are my age? So many thoughts and fears have run rampant in my mind that I almost became paralyzed by them. This morning I came to the realization that the only thing I can do, the only thing I have control over is that I have to choose lover over hate and fear. I cannot continue to struggle with my daily activities because of worry about the next few years and what will become of the country that I was born in. I take solace in the fact that there are so many people outraged by the election results and the fact that over 2 million more people didn't choose hate.

I have to actively work everyday on making sure that my thoughts and actions work toward spreading love and acceptance rather than let myself feel helpless and depressed. I want my kids to know that the answer is love. Bullying and demeaning anyone is not ok. Making others feel bad to make yourself feel better is not acceptable. Hate will not win. Love will always trump hate.