Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Baby steps

To pretty much anyone but us this picture looks... Well, average (cute, but average). To us this picture signifies serious progress. For a baby with a massive oral aversion getting anything into her mouth is a major accomplishment... But then you add to it the presence of some food on her finger... And we have a huge baby step in the right direction. Yay Claire!

Saturday, April 5, 2014

The days go by

The days seem to go something like this nowadays....

I reluctantly drag myself out of bed and pump before jake leaves for work... While jake gets Claire her first feed of the day (which she may or may not be awake for). Owen is usually up at this point and eats some breakfast while I'm pumping, eh- what the hell, it's natural right?

From here on out, anything can happen. Owens birthday was last Friday. After I had finished Claire's second Gtube feeding she had fallen asleep in her bouncer so I figured this would be a good time to do some birthday crafts with Owen (and by crafts I mean cutting balloons out of colored paper...). We gather the scissors and paper and within about 3 seconds he falls off the chair he is standing on at the bar (yes, mom of the year award is in the works) and scrapes his hand...Owen starts crying, Claire wakes up and starts crying...I'm holding two crying babies and attempt to get a bandaid for Owens  hand and as I start putting the bandaid on (while still holding a crying Claire) she projectile vomits all over all of us (we usually call it spitting up but in all seriousness vomit). Sweet. Now were all crying and wet. Somehow we all got clean and dry and the day went on. Happy birthday buddy.

Today on the other hand started out like this... I reluctantly drug myself out of bed, told jake I wasn't pumping because I was done (yes...done) and then we ate breakfast over the course of a few hours. Claire had a massive up the back blowout so I went to change her. In an effort to let some air drying happen I put a blanket down on the bed and let her roll around naked until she peed. Blanket changed, Claire cleaned, and back on the bed. Now comes the poop. More poop. All over her. Ok, time for a bath. Bath. New clothes, blankets, and changing table make over. Next feeding. Spit up. Poop. And we start all over again. And it's 10 am.

Luckily I have really cute kids... And they're good too...