Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Claire is 7!!!

It's surreal at times how fast the kids are growing up. We spent over an hour this morning going through photos of Claire's first year (and cute big brother Owen). While in a quarantine type setting we spend essentially 24/7 together, and for the most part it's really nice. The days can feel long sometimes though and it takes a nostalgic day like today to realize how fast the years go by. 

Since we still can't invite people over (or be within 6 feet of anyone outside of our family), we planned some FaceTime chats with a couple of Claire's friends from school, a Zoom (video conferencing) party with family, an outing to visit baby animals at the Cross E ranch (via drive through, social distancing style), and a neighbor sparkler party. Jake made a chocolate cake and I decorated it as a dog paw print. We gave Claire a big stuffed animal dog and books. One friend from school, Anna, dropped off a present at the door for Claire then was able to chat for a minute through a closed door. 

Today was nice. Other than the need to social distance, it felt like a pretty normal birthday. I've noticed that if I avoid the news and truly focus on my little family, it all feels pretty normal. My priorities become priority. The doom and gloom don't feel quite so palpable. So for now, I'll stick to focusing on us. At least as much as I can.

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

sunny days ahead

It's been a week. But it's only Tuesday. 


At least it's spring. The days are getting longer and sunnier, so there's that. 

Monday, April 6, 2020

Riding the pandemic wave from home

Stay safe, stay at home. This has been our directive for the past few weeks. Utah has been spared in comparison to much of the country so far, but in a pandemic nothing is guaranteed. As of today the US has over 347,000 infected and has hit a grim milestone of 10,000 deaths from the virus. 

In our house things carry on with a somewhat normal routine. The main differences we're seeing at this point is that we just don't go anywhere. We don't visit anyone. And the two grocery store trips I've made over the past month have been nerve-wracking. As of two days ago the CDC recommended that anyone going in public should wear a mask, that no one should be leaving their home except for essential services, and that we will have possibly the worst week to come. Our state feels surreal oftentimes. It feels that many if the residents see this pandemic as some far off, remote threat that can't possibly touch our state. Therefore many are out and about as usual, acting inconvenienced that they can't go to a movie or eat in at a restaurant. There is a lot of ignorance and selfishness by people who see this as an 'old person disease' and feel that since they aren't at risk that they shouldn't have to change their life. Grrrrrr!!!!! I've had anger and frustration in regards to this that's gotten to the point that I can't read a lot of news or comments anymore. The confusion, misleading 'facts' and inability to lead from our White House had intensified the tolls on our country and the individuals in our nation at this point. 

I hope and pray that there can be a clear leader, that people will all truly take the 'stay safe, stay home' directive to heart, and that we don't have to continue to see lives lost in this pandemic. 

As for now, we'll keep on homeschool, remote working, and avoiding the grocery store like our lives depend on it.