We've stopped describing Owen's age in weeks now and starting talking
months...yes, months!! Owen just hit the 4 month old mark a few days ago and to celebrate we took him for his well-child check up and the first of his vaccines. Since he is not in day care and is being exclusively breastfed we decided to delay the start of and stretch out his vaccines. Although there is really no proof that giving so many vaccines at one time is harmful, I have a hard time believing that it isn't excessively stressful to the infant's immune system...especially since he is still getting all of the antibodies from mama's milk. Opening up the vaccine issue really is opening up a can of worms so I won't bore or upset anyone with details, but I will say that we have done a lot of research into both sides of the story.

Our little man is growing like crazy, he is now 25 1/2 inches long and 13 pounds 11 ounces. His little personality is coming out more everyday and we are both so happy that we can stay home with him as much as we do. He smiles so much now, and not just at mom and dad...he loves books and even enjoys turning the pages when he can. He is sleeping through the night almost every night and took his first ride in his new stroller today. We haven't taken him overnight anywhere yet but have plans for a weekend trip to Moab in a couple of weeks and a trip to Oregon over the Labor day holiday.
It's hard to remember what life was like without him!!