34 weeks (and 2 years) |
There are a lot of numbers involved when it comes to pregnancy...they start out normal like last menstrual period to determine your estimated gestational age, then comes your estimated due date and the milestones that come along with the weeks as they pass. As the weeks went along for me it seems that the numbers became more and more important.
There was the number of weeks we were measuring behind at the 20 week scan (two), then the odds of surviving to an age of viability (meaning the likelihood of making it far enough along without the baby dying in utero), then the two weeks of waiting it would take to get the results of an amino (to determine if the baby had a fatal genetic condition). After that set of numbers came the next numbers to worry about...the cord dopplers. Each week we still anxiously await the presence of a number (meaning there is still blood flow through the cord) and that the number isn't too high. In the mean time we fervently count each and every day that goes by along with the every 3 week growth scan to measure the 'weeks' and weight that our little girl is measuring. So, at the 33 week scan she was measuring approximately 28 weeks- now about a full 5 weeks behind in growth, approximately 2.5 pounds, and having cord dopplers of 4-5. The ultrasound tech also did a informal BPP (biophysical profile), which scored an 8/8, very good news for the overall well being of our little girl (at the current moment.
Well, on that same day a new set of numbers gained importance.... My blood pressure. Up to this point in my pregnancy my blood pressure had been In a normal range but on this day, well.... We all know how this pregnancy has been going so why not add a little more excitement?? It was elevated at the clinic appointment but not enough to do anything yet. I was told to check it later and see how it was. Later it was not good, like 150'ish/90'ish range. So...into the OB triage I went for evaluation and after an hour and a half of elevated blood pressures and 2+ protein in my urine they decided to keep me over night. A 24 hour urine was started and I was pretty much restricted to hanging out in a hospital bed. Luckily, 2 days later, my bp's stabilized and I was able to go home for Easter. Now I sit, pretty much tied to the couch and bed taking my blood pressure twice a day and resisting the urge to 'do something'...anything so that this little girl can keep growing as long as possible.
A for the importance of numbers, I don't see that ending anytime soon... All I can hope for is the right ones.