Thursday, July 8, 2010

The adventures just don't end

It's almost 10 PM and I've been up since about's been a long day. So, here's how it went...well, in reverse.

Now- go to bed, I'm tired.

10 PM start talking to Jeannie online, start blogging

8:30 PM Go on bike ride with our new WWOOFer roomies Adam and Jessica.

7:30 PM Eat (cow from the farm) Steak, dill potatoes, and fresh garden salad made by the roomies (we alternate nights to cook :) )

6:30'ish Build a make-shift fenced area for the 4 turkeys (who are getting pretty plump) and 7 chickens. Herd chickens in, chase them around a bit, grab turkeys and get them tucked away for the night and hope that the raccoons can't get to them. Finally get home from to Wendy while our dinner is prepared.

1:30 to the end of the work day... The guys decide to tear down and rebuild rather than try to remodel old building for chicken coop. We begin taking boards down and getting the nails out of them when Mona comes over to tell us Steve is ready to take the coop across the it goes:

attaching chains and realizing that the coop is just too big to pick up and move.

Dragging it works..

and it floats pretty well too

Jake navigates us over on the boat

and we finally get it set up for the guinea hens. Yah!!!

Noon'ish- LUNCH...yum! Chat with Jen and find out they'll be in SLC for the annual campout- yea!!

10 AM- noon  Babysit Guinea hens across the creek since they escaped last time we took them over...oh, and weed a bit. Try to wade across the creek since the boys took the boat and left us stranded...water is too high and swift for my liking so I try starting an old 4-wheeler that I have yet to get started...magically it starts and we drive over to a point where we can yell across the creek and get Jake's attention...

9-10 AM Clip Guinea hen wings... 3 simple words sound so easy -but- have you ever clipped a wild bird's wing?? Catching them was the first challenge, luckily they were still in the coop but they are still ridiculously difficult to catch, then when you do catch them the freak out and make so much noise that you'd think you were killing them...then after that comes the clipping part, then getting them into a box, then getting them across the creek in a boat...

7-9 AM pick, wash, and pack tomatoes, onions, lettuce for the Buffalo CSA. 

5:30 AM I'm awake, and ready to get up...usually this is too early for me, way too early but I need to get some breakfast and coffee in's going to be a long day.

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