2 months old!!!
Can't believe it! Our little man is 2 months old now; 11 pounds 12 ounces and a full 2 feet long! Our days are beginning to have more of a rhythm to them and we are getting more sleep at night. Owen is only waking up once during the night on most nights. I should be going to bed now to get some sleep but...we switched to cloth diapers a few days ago and since we are down to one clean one I am up, waiting for them to come out of the dryer.
Heading to the 2 month check-up! |
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Scrunchy face |
Jake and I are really starting to realize how quickly Owen is growing up and want to be there for the first few years...to see all of his firsts and to just experience us as a family. We are starting to contemplate traveling again...but not until Owen is at least a year old. We haven't really traveled with him yet other than short trips to grandma's house so we aren't really sure how him traveling for long distances will go. And since we are thinking that we would visit farms and WWOOF along the way we need to do some research to see if there are enough farms out there that accept children to make it worthwhile. It sounds crazy, I know it does, but at the same time how crazy is it to work all of the time and miss the time in your child's life that you can never repeat? It is amazing how much we love this little guy and want to make sure he has the best life possible, and I guess our question is whether working full time and not being there for a lot of his growing up yet being able to 'provide' for him -or- letting him experience life and us, his parents, while learning how to get by creatively is the best thing for him? We still have awhile to decide, and quite a bit of research to do, but whatever happens we want to make sure that Owen knows that there is more to life than money, video games, and technology.
At the top of dry creek |
Hanging out on a hike in Dry Creek |
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