The drive here was kinda rough, not just because we were traveling with our 2 big dogs, cat, and essentially everything we own, but also because I kept doubting myself and wondering what the hell we were doing...we were leaving our families, friends, jobs, and pretty much everything we knew to work- in the middle of nowhere- on a farm. Well, nine hours after leaving Salt Lake we arrived in Leiter Wyoming greeted by it's only building and some ducks.

Once we found the Mitzel's house we were also greeted by Belle, a stick obsessed farm dog that is the sweetest thing you'll ever meet.
Once we met Mona and Steve Mitzel, our WWOOF hosts/owners of the ranch I was put at ease, they were both extremely nice and easygoing. Mona showed us around and in addition to seeing the greenhouse, tunnels, and pastures, we were able to see a cow give birth- which was pretty cool. Its crazy how different humans are when it comes to childbirth...the cow continued grazing even after the feet of the calf were hanging out of her, it wasn't until several minutes later that she layed down to push the calf out. Within less than 10 minutes after birth the calf was trying to stand up and begin nursing.
Today has been kinda difficult- it has been cold, wet, and windy almost the entire day. I've had a few meltdowns feeling homesick and lonely- still wondering what we are doing out here. We didn't have much work to do, just a bit of weeding and laying out plastic to prevent weeds so we had alot of downtime in the trailer which gave me too much time to think. Luckily the rain died down in the afternoon so Jake and I walked the 2 miles into 'town' to the post office...unfortunately it closes at noon so I wasn't able to get any stamps- but we did get to see some antelope, geese, horses, and a whole bunch of cows (including a bull who I'm pretty sure hates us)
It is calving season so there are tons of little calves all around which is cute, but you have to be really careful how close you walk by them- momma cows are really protective!! Mona even told us to be really careful walking around with Happy, our black lab, since the cows might think she is one of their calves and claim her as their own... ;)
Mona supplied us with some groceries, including natural chicken from her sister's farm and beef from their ranch so tonight Jake and I ate chicken fajita's- the first chicken either of us have eaten in years!! It was pretty good, but I'm really glad that Jake volunteered to fix the chicken...I still get a bit squeamish when it comes to cooking meat.
Well, the weather is supposed to be warmer and clear tomorrow (and hopefully less windy- seriously, I forgot how windy Wyoming is...) and we have some work planned for setting down weed tarps around all of the tunnels so I should 'turn in' soon...but know that I miss all of you and love you tons!!
...And it really is a pretty place
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