The first time we saw them out our back window we thought it was pretty cool, grabbed our cameras, and watched them for what seemed like a really long, less than a week later the sight of wild turkeys is just a normal part of the day. They're all over the place, sometimes it's just a couple of them and other times it's an entire gaggle (is that what they call a group of birds??).
Silly turkeys didn't want to get out of the road when we were driving...too bad I'm not a big fan of turkey or we could have thrown a few in the back of the van to fix up for dinner ;)
It's hard to believe that we've been here a week already. In ways it feels like we just got here, there is still soooo much to do and many muscles yet to use and veggies left to plant. But in other ways it feels like we've been here for quite awhile- it feels like so long ago that I was actually showering AND dressing nicely for I'm lucky to make it home not caked with mud, sweat, and a sunburn. What a difference a few weeks can make!
We readied the newly finished high tunnel to be tilled today by spreading out straw and mixing in chicken manure and phosphate. Then we worked on transplanting brussel sprouts and cabbage in the greenhouse.

We also got a chance to talk with Steve, (one half of the Steve and Mona team, AKA our hosts) about his cattle ranching. He talked about how difficult it is to make a living on meat cows. There are a lot of strange laws in Wyoming when it comes to raising and selling beef, none of which help the rancher or the consumer. There is a definite need for change in the laws (in Wyoming as well as other states) to make buying locally raised meat more affordable for the consumer and more profitable for the producer. Consumers really need to start caring about where not only their meat, but all of their food comes from and who they are supporting when they buy it- 'cause you are what you eat...
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